Wikipedia on Mushing


Wikipedia on Mushing

The free online encyclopedia Wikipedia includes a lengthy article on the term “mushing.” After a few introductory lines about alternative meanings of the word comes this definition:

“Mushing is a general term for a sport or transport method powered by dogs, and includes carting, pulka, scootering, sled dog racing, skijoring, freighting, and weight pulling. More specifically, it implies the use of one or more dogs to pull a sled on snow. The term is thought to come from the French word marche, or go, run, the command to the team to commence pulling. ‘Mush!’ is rarely used in modern parlance, however; ‘Hike!’ is more common in English. Mushing can be utilitarian, recreational, or competitive.”


The Iconography of Sled Dogs


The Iconography of Sled Dogs

The classic image of a team of sled dogs racing along the trail has graced everything from sweaters to beer labels to stained glass windows, because it is an iconic reminder of the glory days when pioneers, prospectors, mailmen and freighters drove teams of stalwart-hearted huskies across the land.





"We all congregate here, around this race and around this sport, because at the core of things, we all want to celebrate and promote and fiercely defend the incredible possibilities that dogs afford us."
